Sunday, July 02, 2006

Recipe for a Perfect Canada Day

This year we had all the ingredients right:

1 afternoon at the beach (complete with splashing in the ocean, burying Chris in sand, and napping in the sun)

1 bison burger each for supper (closest we can get to barbeque)

80 bazillion people, all thronging together to watch 1 fantastic firework display. Okay, it wasn't like last year's fireworks, but they were still good.

I think I'm starting to feel at home here. As we lay on the beach (the beach right by our house), with the perfectly blue sky above us, I couldn't get over the fact that we live here! I can walk to this beach all I want. We can come here and play in the sand every afternoon. I ran into two different people that I knew, while going to the fireworks. I no longer feel like an awkward stranger. And that's nice.


Matt said...

Well, I'm jealous. I spent Canada Day sitting in camp while we figured out how threatening the nearby forest fire is to us.

Your day sounds much more fun. Especially burying Chris. You did dig him out, right?

Queen of West Procrastination said...


Limon de Campo said...

I'm jealous too. After three years in my city, I still feel like a stranger. I just don't get the culture here. I'm living vicariously through you, so go to the beach often--I like it there.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

It was weird not feeling like a stranger. Well, I didn't entirely feel like a stranger anymore. I feel familiar in my surroundings, although I still don't get many of the people -- mostly the youths in this city. I'm just not West Coast, and I tend to feel like everyone around me is judging me. Or is behaving in ways that I can't fathom.

But in my surroundings and among the old people? I'm a local.

Limon de Campo said...

I live in a really weird little enclave, and I think you have to be among the natives to really get it. I like the idea of living in a town like yours. I'm generally mortified by American politics; maybe it's time to emigrate! We could procrastinate together.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

You're always welcome in Canada, Limon.