Thursday, April 20, 2006

Setting the Stage

I am wearing: entirely black. For some reason, that makes me feel more put-together. My hair is also up in clips, so that it doesn't tickle my face.

I am consuming: lots and lots of water, and limiting today's sugar intake (too much sugar's been making me cranky). For some reason, for me tall glasses of water mean "I mean business and I'm going to get this written."

I am listening to: lots of imperial-sounding classical music. Last hour it was Haydn. This hour, Rossini. Lots of crashing cymbals.

My efforts to cut down on distractions: I've now turned off the cordless phone's ringer, have cranked up the music, and I'm about to unplug the network card again. (One more hour until Chris comes home, and then it'll be more difficult to go undistracted. I'll have to bribe him into not playing computer in the office today.)

Target: 8000 words.

Word count: 1400 words, half of which have been written in the past hour. I've finally figured out what I'm doing and now it's flying. There's nothing like an "everybody else has neglected this necessary field" thesis. The weird thing is that I'm arguing in favour of a "top-down" approach, looking at emperors and high art. My claim is that it's appropriate for the study of this particular state, and that the social history approach that's very much in vogue (while it's important to look at a wider picture) keeps missing important elements when looking at the state. I don't sound like my usual self. But it's all for the sake of my claim that art is important for the study of politics. And that's very much like my usual self.
I will hand this in: tomorrow morning, even if it kills me. Okay, I'm exaggerating on the last part. But I will hand it in tomorrow morning!

1 comment:

krisluvswool said...

Go you! I'm a top down girl, myself. When the people making the decisions are at the top, you can't help but start by looking at the top! Good luck!