Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Lists Lists Lists

I'm copying kristiface today, in that I'm making lists of the things that I need to do today, and in the next week, to keep me honest. (I'm in too much danger of being like "But I'm done for the semester! Wooo, movies all the time!") (By the way, kf: I really am getting back to you soon about your engagement photos! And they're pretty!)

To do today:
  • Clean up the chaos that is my workspace (aka the futon in the living room). The sun must not set on another day of messy living room!
  • Clean the bathroom.
  • Wash dishes, maybe do some baking.
  • Shop for tomorrow's fondue party.
  • Call up people about tomorrow's party, and finalise details.
  • Finish the laundry (which my husband so sweetly started yesterday) and put it all away.
  • Decorate the house for Christmas! (If not today, then tomorrow.)
  • Prayer meeting.

Wow! I'm going to be really domestic today. It's called "everything I've neglected for studies."

Within the next week (before I leave for Regina!) I must:

  • Have a fondue/games party!
  • Buy Christmas presents! And a few birthday presents. (This is what happens when you go away for several months.)
  • Work everything out for bills and rent cheques and collecting my paycheques while I'm gone. (I tend to handle our finances.)
  • Figure out some sort of joint birthday thing with Chris, before I leave. This will probably mean going to The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
  • Work more on my comps reading list. Hm. This item should probably be higher on this list.
  • Organise my German stuff, so that I can continue to work on it over vacation. My goal: to learn subjunctives, and to build my vocabulary.
  • Get together with the prof for the class I'm TA-ing next semester (coffee on Monday); print off my class schedule before that.
  • Do a whole whack of baking and cooking before Saturday's church Christmas dinner. (I'm bringing my Mom's scalloped potatoes, broccoli with cheese sauce, biscuits, and there's something I'm forgetting here.)

I think it was Meg who asked me what I was going to do with all the time on my hands, with my semester being done so early. Now I'm looking at this list and I'm wondering if I'll get everything done before I leave.


Chris said...

Tomorrow is Maryanne's birthday and we plan on having a fondue party. This means that there are things around the house that need to get done. However when I got home today Maryanne claimed that she didn't do anything. I responded by suggesting that we should make a list of what needs to be done for tomorrow. At this point she told me that she had made a list and blogged about it. Yep my wife made a list, blogged about it and then ignored it. Yep that's our marriage.

krisluvswool said...

Aw, but Maryanne's icky... and she can always cross of the list the next day :)

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Kristiface sticks up for me. But, arguably, Chris has decreed that he's doing all the cleaning when he gets home. (So that I can spend my birthday hanging out in my pyjamas and watching movies. Awesome!)