Monday, October 24, 2005

October Syndrome

I fall into the same pattern, every September and October: I forget about all long-term projects, and become very focused on the immediate small homework assignments and assigned readings. I begin to think, "Hey! I can handle this work load!" And then I realise that it's the last week of October, and that the Rest of the Semester is bearing down on me.

Oh yes, I remember the other things I'm supposed to be doing. I just received an e-mail from the History Grad Secretary, asking me for the title of my workshop presentation. Aha! That's on November 3, which is next week. And that reminder brings to my attention the fact that I'm behind on formulating my comps lists. I remember those.

But, at the same time, I need to be devoting more attention to German. I'm doing well, but I'm just maintaining status quo: I'm not really working daily on it, and I'm not learning as quickly as I ought to be learning. And so this morning is devoted to catching up with today's readings, and some heavy review, including listing all the words I should know for the midterm. Ugh.


Jen said...

I can empathize.

I just looked at my daytimer and oh my goodness! I have to work all that in around moving? Eeek!

krisluvswool said...

As per the German-- you have to recognize that you can only learn as fast as you're capable of learning! I know it's irritating to have to wait for you brain to catch up with your lessons sometimes, but that's the way languange works :(

Just remember to take deep breaths, and don't forget to sleep in the next couple of weeks ;)