Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Bah! Leaving the house.

So, I'm all cozy. I'm wearing a housecoat over my pyjamas and listening to the sound of the kettle boil, anticipating morning tea. Outside it's drizzly rainy, which makes inside feel all the more cozy.

But this morning I have an important meeting about SSHRC doctoral scholarship applications and so I have to leave the coziness and go out into the drizzliness. At least Chris is giving me a ride to school, seeing as he doesn't work until mid-afternoon and I have a bunch of stuff to take to school that would be awkward on the bus.

Hm. If it's raining, there won't be interpretive line dancers outside. Or will there?


Anonymous said...

I think you are right the people that come to UofR are just jerks and not quirky.

Sure go ahead, answer your cell phone four times in a class of twenty.

Jen said...

If they are truly dedicated interpetive line dancers, they'll still be there.