Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Provisional to Conditional

I feel like I can finally breathe again. I took my paperwork into Graduate Admissions and Records this morning, and even though I did not have my final transcripts (because I'm not conferred my degree until October) they moved my status from "Provisional Acceptance" (I'm in the system, but can't register/get a Student Card/collect funding) to "Conditional Student" (I can register and all that, but I still need to give them the paperwork whenever I get it). My deadline for the transcripts is now December 15. Awesome.

So, I just registered for my classes online, and this afternoon I'm going back to the University to collect my funding. Chris and I are celebrating by going grocery shopping. Hooray! And just in time. (We're pretty nearly out of meat.) We are now fine until we find Chris a job.

It feels good to have things falling into place. God's taking care of us.

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